Monday, April 21, 2014

Keller Church & The Dean Family Massacre

Keller Church
     Right off of Rt. 22 on Fox Run Road there is a small church and cemetery with an almost forgotten past. Keller Church is in Catherine township on top of a hill, and has not held a service in years. The Church was founded in 1846 and was the prominent burial ground for the Keller family and other families in the Canoe Valley. The church is made of brick on a limestone foundation. The cemetery is adjacent on the hill-side with tall pine trees over the graves. A little history also lies with one of the occupants of the cemetery, Matthew Dean. 
      Living near Keller church for a part of my life, I stumbled across this piece of history while taking photographs of historical places in my area. I found a memorial to the Dean family which reads,"Massacred by Indians October 1780." I had forgotten about the memorial for a few years; however, Recently I had revisited this site and look deeper into its history.

      Matthew Dean was of Irish decent and made his home approximately 3 miles southwest of Waterstreet Pennsylvania. In the late 1700's while the Revolutionary War was taking place in the eastern part of Pennsylvania, a lot of the rural parts of the state were still faced with the remnants of the French and Indian War. In the autumn of 1780, the wife and three children of Matthew Dean were killed by Indians at their home in what is now Catherine township. Some accounts of the massacre say the family was burned in the home while others only say they were scalped and murdered. Most of the accounts tend to agree that Mr. Dean and his oldest children were at work in the fields when the raid happened on the homestead. Mr. Dean and his son found the remains of his family and they were later buried in Keller cemetery. Matthew Dean later died in April of 1781 and was buried in Hart's log Cemetery near Alexandria PA.

      This is just one of the many accounts of Indian raids and massacres that happened in central Pennsylvania. Some accounts have been lost to history; were as, others hold ground in our world by small memorials or accounts passed from generations. I hope to continue to investigate these incidents and keep them alive for another generation.


  1. The Dean house foundation is actually on my family's property.

    1. Where can we find Hart's Log Cemetery? William Dean - 2016

    2. Lat 40.56951 Lon -78.09390 north of Alexandria PA off intersection of Davis Rd and Smith lane.

    3. Hi Unknown,

      Just seeing this blog entry and your note, after visiting the Keller Cemetery a few weekends back. I am a Dean family descendant as well. Will likely return in the future to the area to show the memorial to my children and maybe siblings. I had read an account that said the Dean memorial was on the site of the Dean cabin. You mention that the cabin foundation is on your property. Are you adjacent to the Keller Cemetery? Anything to see of the foundation? Would love to hear more about what you know. Drop me a note at Thanks! Doug

    4. I’m descended from this family through Rebecca Caldwell.Have heard varying stories over the years but I find what’s on the stone to be most correct. Somewhere there’s a portrait or engraving of Matthew dean

  2. matthew dean was my gggg grandfather I live in the area and would love to see and photograph the remains if possible? I was wondering who told you it was matthew deans homestead? jw.....thanks hope to hear from u

    1. Mine too cousin! I don’t live in the area, but in NJ. I will go to Juniata Valley one day soon. One 4th of my family has pure Scottish DNA despite the fact they’ve been here since the early 1700s. It was an extremely tight knit community at least my descendants were clannish to the extreme! If anyone ever comes back here with more news on the Dean Family and homestead my email is

    2. My nephew just spoke at the church a few weeks ago about the massacre. I see you're from New Jersey I live in northern New Jersey my last name is Dean. I've been out to the monument in 2 years ago. Would like to correspond Hope you're having a good day.
