Thursday, October 9, 2014

A Ghostly Chase at Coles Station

Coles Water Tank Shelter
      Recently I heard a lead about a ghost that used to terrorize locals near the Coles Station of the East Broad Top Railroad (EBT). Living only about an hour away from parts of the EBT, I never really looked into the history of the rail line or its importance. I was pleased to find out some new history and places to explore, but that is for another blog. 

      With a little research online and at the library, I was able to find an account of a haunting near Coles Station. On a late evening in May of 1906 two men, Luther Chilcote and William Elias, were walking back from a social evening with friends. They choose to walk the easiest route over Coles Summit to their homes. At the summit, near Coles Station of the EBT, they saw in the distance a woman in a white dress. The men began to try to get her attention but she didn't respond to them. The men began to realize she was an apparition as she came closer. The men fired their hand guns in fright as the women drew nearer. After the volley of shots, the apparition started to chase them into the valley. The men reached their home and quickly shut the door behind them. In the days that followed, the men actually reported the incident to the local papers. Thankfully they did to preserve this piece of history.

      Coles Station has sadly razed for many years now and can be found as a rectangular foundation being reclaimed by nature. However, the Coles Water Tank shelter has survived due to recent volunteer work and its difficulty to get access to. The Station was just a little west of the water tank shelter. The water tank structure housed a large wood tub that provided water to the steam locomotives of the EBT. Water was pumped by an engine out of a cistern from a nearby spring. The structure you can visit now was built sometime around 1919 and replaced an earlier building. Thankfully this piece of history has been restored and gives a good sign to where the ghostly women in white was seen. Coles Summit lies east of Three Springs in Huntingdon County near Route 994/Old plank road.

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